Good Art is Hard to Find


Just another weblog

Note Card Sale

I still have some note cards available for sale and the following photos are the ones I have left (in varying quantities). I’m selling them 4 for $1.00 or .25ยข each. That includes the envelopes. The size of the note cards are 5.5″ by 4.25″. You can mix and match them however you want and if you want a lot of them, then I can give a bigger discount. Email me directly at to place an order. Thanks and Happy New Year!

Filed under: illustrations, My work, , ,

Olly Moss Star Wars posters

I saw these posters by Olly Moss on Friday and really wanted to have them. I tried to buy them on Monday for $150 for the set, but all 350 sets sold out in about a minute. They were immediately on Ebay for $700-$800. Then I decided to try and buy them directly from the artist today for $500 for the set. They sold out in approximately 3 seconds. I expect the signed artists prints to go for about $1500-$2000 for the set. I just wanted to hang them on my wall.

Filed under: illustrations, Posters

I’m published

I have two projects featured in the new book by Rockport Publishers, 1000 More Greetings. The invitation I did for Keri and Carter and the poster I did for the Spartanburg Little Theatre’s production of Steel Magnolias made the cut. I’m happy to be included.

Filed under: illustrations, invitations, My work, published, ,